MobileCause customers benefit from a dedicated merchant account with direct deposit. To get started, please complete the following form. We will collect this information and email you a finalized application with request for digital signature. After the application has been signed, the review process will take 5-7 business days from the time of submission for approval.
Once your merchant account has been integrated with your MobileCause account, we will send a confirmation email to the account owner. Only donations collected after this point can be direct deposited.
Merchant Account Benefits:
1—Collected donations will be direct deposited into your bank as they are settled (24-48 hours).
2—Your nonprofit org name will appear on credit card and bank statements (which increases donor trust).
3—You will be able to refund transactions, and access monthly statements of donations.
1. While the name put on this form does not need to be an officer of the organization, the person listed on this form MUST be the person to SIGN/INITIAL the digital agreement, once approved.
2. An image of a voided check or bank letter must be submitted to process your application.
Need Help? Call (888) 661-8804 and select option 2 or email